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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Press Releases



22 May 2015, Seoul


1. The Fifth MIKTA Foreign Ministers’ Meeting was held in Seoul, the Republic of Korea, on 22 May 2015. The meeting was attended by H.E. Mr. José Antonio Meade Kuribreña, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mexico; H.E. Mr. Hasan Kleib, Special Envoy of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia; H.E. Mr. Yun Byung-se, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea; H.E. Mr. Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Foreign Minister of Turkey and H.E. Ms. Julie Bishop, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia.

2. Ministers discussed enhancing the visibility of MIKTA, its cooperative projects, the MIKTA Academic Network and the way forward for MIKTA cooperation.

3. Ministers welcomed the official launch of the MIKTA official website (www.mikta.org) as part of the efforts to share information among members and raise awareness of MIKTA and adopted the MIKTA Vision Statement containing its rationale, identity and future direction.

4. Ministers recognized that networking among MIKTA member states in various fields, such as exchanges between journalists, students, and junior diplomats, is the wisest investment for the future and urged the continued and active implementation of the exchange programs. On the occasion of the 5th FMM, four journalists from Turkey, Indonesia, Mexico and Australia are on an eight-day visit to Korea from May 19 to May 26. Australia will host journalists from MIKTA countries in July. Also in July, Korea will hold the inaugural MIKTA Young Professional Camp in Korea and around 50 young professionals and students of MIKTA members will discuss together ways for MIKTA to promote cooperation and increase contribution to the international community. In addition, the Junior Diplomat Exchange Program initiated by Australia and Mexico will be implemented this year so that young diplomats can promote mutual understanding and consolidation among MIKTA members. Mexico and Australia will also host university students from MIKTA countries.

5. Regarding the official launch of the MIKTA Academic Network and the First MIKTA Academic Network Conference (May 11-12, Seoul), Ministers welcomed the innovative and insightful proposals made by the conference participants and noted that these will help MIKTA support more efficient and effective global governance.

6. Ministers agreed to expand the scope of cooperation by successfully holding the 1st MIKTA Speakers Consultation this July in Seoul and boost economic cooperation among MIKTA member states by organizing the 1st MIKTA Business Forum this October in Turkey.

7. Moreover, with a view to expanding the political momentum for MIKTA, Ministers agreed to consider holding a MIKTA leaders’ gathering at an appropriate time within this year.

8. Ministers engaged in discussions on regional and global issues of common interest such as the situation in Latin America, the current situation in Andaman Sea and irregular movements of people in Southeast Asia, the conflict in Syria, counter-terrorism, development cooperation, climate change, cyber security and the situation on the Korean Peninsula.
9. Ministers affirmed their commitment to exploring the possibility of cooperating and sharing of best practices regarding the UNPKOs in the future, including by holding a seminar between government officials and scholars, in order to continue contributing to the purposes and principles of the UN to maintain international peace and security. Ministers, therefore, welcomed and congratulated the announcement made by the President of Mexico on the resumption of Mexico's gradual participation in the UNPKOs and the swift action to implement the decision. Ministers also welcomed the Government of Indonesia’s convening of the Regional Meeting on Peacekeeping on July 27-28, 2015 in Jakarta. MIKTA countries recognized that contributing to the UNPKOs represents one of the most iconic expressions of solidarity and global responsibility of the UN Member States in accordance with their obligations under the UN Charter. Ministers supported and valued the role of the UNPKOs as one of the main UN instruments to assist countries experiencing or emerging from conflict and create the conditions for a lasting peace.

10. Ministers recognized that terrorism is one of the major challenges of our times and as a common threat, it requires that we stand together against it. Terrorism itself is not associated with any religion, nationality, civilization, or ethnic group. It is driven by those who use radicalism and violent extremism to further their political goals. Ministers understand it is important for governments and communities to strengthen social cohesion to meet the challenge of violent extremism. Ministers discussed the importance of preventing and addressing the issues of foreign terrorist fighters. MIKTA is committed to national, regional and global efforts to prevent and respond to terrorism.

11. Ministers shared the understanding that cyberspace is a new horizon for future prosperity, growth, communication and creativity and emphasized that the openness and security of cyberspace should be ensured. Condemning the various forms of cyber attacks and recognizing with concern that the malicious use of cyberspace can be a grave threat to the fundamental rights, freedom and national security, ministers agreed to promote cooperation on cyberspace, including through a network of cyber security experts of MIKTA countries and a MIKTA cyber cooperation seminar.

12. On the Iranian nuclear programme, Ministers welcomed the framework reached between the Ministers of the E3+3 (China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States) and the Islamic Republic of Iran on 2 April 2015 during negotiations held in the city of Lausanne, Switzerland. Ministers reiterated their conviction that a solid basis for further progress has been established and called upon parties to the negotiations to make all necessary efforts to ensure a comprehensive agreement within the proposed deadline. As observed in the process of the negotiations regarding the Iranian nuclear program, Ministers hoped that substantial progress in the DPRK's denuclearization can be achieved through cooperation among relevant parties.

13. Ministers recognized the results of the 2nd MIKTA Development Cooperation Workshop on May 11th in Seoul, where the themes of development finance and follow-up and review were discussed, and agreed to strengthen cooperation focused around New York on the post-2015 development agenda and financing for development processes.

14. In addition, Ministers agreed that there is a need to demonstrate leadership to reach agreement on a durable and effective climate regime and ensure broad participation at the Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to be held in Paris this December. In this regard, Ministers agreed to continue discussing the issue at the UN level to foster cooperation.

15. Ministers deeply appreciated the Republic of Korea’s various efforts for laying the groundwork for peaceful unification through inter-Korean dialogues and cooperation under the "Trust-building Process on the Korean Peninsula" and "the Initiative for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula" and expressed the view that unification will bring the resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue and ultimately contribute to the peace and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula and the world.

16. Ministers highly appreciated their meeting with President Park Geun-hye and her keen interest in the activities of MIKTA. Ministers also expressed deep appreciation to Korea for their sincere efforts in serving as the Second Coordinator and the valuable role they have played in terms of bringing greater structure to MIKTA and fostering thriving cooperation. Ministers reached consensus on Australia serving as the Third Coordinator starting this September. Moreover, Ministers decided to hold the 6th MIKTA Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in New York this September on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly./End/